Full time student & business enthusiast.

Results-driven business & tech enthusiast with over 4 years of experience in business administration, marketing, and web design. I am eager to leverage my skills and have a passion for growth through out-of-the-box thinking and innovative tools.
Take a look at my resume
My practical experience comes a lot from my own founded companys in the fields of webdesign & clothing, where i was mainly responsible for marketing & overall management.
Lufthansa Group Digital Hangar
Frankfurt, DE  |  Apr 2024 - today
Working Student Tech Transformation
I supported the Digital Hangar with Project Management, enhancements of the OKR framework integrated with Jira for increased efficiency in the Tech Domain and deployed an MS PowerAutomate setup to streamline processes and boost productivity.
Lufthansa Group
New York, U.S.  |  Sep 2023 - Feb 2024
Intern Global Mobility & Employer Branding
I supported as a project leader for digitalizing and enhancing the Global Mobility process for Lufthansa Group in the Americas Region by implementing a digital tool for efficiency gains. Additionally, I prepared the  launch of a global resource hub for expats, ensuring alignment with other regions.
Ingolstadt, DE  |  Mar 2021 - today
CMO & Co-Founder
At Yellowyre, our mission is, to help small and medium sized companies in Germany to leverage their success by implementing digital tools and a structured sales funnel for sustainable growth and stable client acquisition.
Take a look at my projects
Here are some chosen projects i have worked on in the past. Some experience came from my studies and some came from my own company.